Please help support our programs and advocacy by donating to We The Patriots USA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Donate with Check/Money Order
Why Give to We The Patriots USA, Inc.?
We The Patriots USA, Inc.
5210 Cleveland Blvd.
Bldg. 140, Suite 222
Caldwell, ID 83607
Please make all checks payable to We The Patriots USA. Thank you for your donation. We also accept anonymous gifts made through donor-advised funds like Fidelity Charitable and Vanguard Charitable. Please note that all contributions are subject to the ultimate discretion and control of We The Patriots USA, Inc.
If you provide us with your email address when making a donation to our organization, you will be added to our email list for donor-related communication only. We will never share or sell your email address, and you will be given the opportunity to opt out at anytime by clicking unsubscribe.
Federal Tax ID: 85-2165507
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Note: To change or cancel any monthly recurring donations created prior to 8/1/2022, email [email protected] to request the cancellation or change. To change or cancel a monthly recurring donation created on or after 8/1/2022, click on the link provided to you in your monthly billing receipt, or sign in to your account by clicking the “Sign In” button on the form above. We are unable to issue refunds for donations made in error.