Dr. Brian Hooker, co-author with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on their new book Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak, joins Faithful Freedom with Teryn Gregson, presented by We The Patriots USA, to discuss the overwhelming data showcasing overall better health for unvaccinated individuals vs. vaccinated of any immunizations. He tells the story of RFK Jr.’s ask of Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a meeting at the White House, to show him studies with a true unvaccinated placebo control group in 2019 and Facui’s inability to do so.

How that launched the writing of this book, which took a dramatic leap forward when COVID-19 came about and then finally it being published right after Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign announcement.

We The Patriots USA, does not endorse any political candidate. The opinions expressed by our show guests are their own, and are not necessarily shared by We The Patriots USA. However, we value free speech and will always fight to protect it!

Vax-Unvax book overview: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510766969/vax-unvax/
Vax-Unvax book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Vax-Unvax-Childrens-Health-Defense-Kennedy-ebook/dp/B08X4XQXXK