On June 16, 2023, the unthinkable happened to Paul and Amanda Guidry. Missouri state officials took custody of the Guidrys’ four children, including their six year-old autistic son, simply because the Guidrys utilized an alternative medical treatment known as chlorine dioxide, which has been used by parents across the world to treat children with autism, often with incredible success. Indeed, the Guidrys used it to treat their six year-old son on the autism spectrum, and observed amazing results in a very short period of time. A core focus of our mission here at We The Patriots USA has always been safeguarding and defending parental rights and medical freedom. Tragically, the Guidrys have now lost both to the State of Missouri.
Watch the Guidrys tell their heartbreaking story on today’s episode of Faithful Freedom with Teryn Gregson here.
Make no mistake – when there is evidence of actual abuse or neglect of children, there are instances when children do need to be removed from their homes. But when the state has been unable to produce a shred of evidence demonstrating that any actual injury or other harm has occurred, or that the children are in any immediate danger of being harmed, children should never be separated from their parents. Parents – not the state, not hospitals, not anyone else – are the primary caretakers of their children, and should have the freedom to make medical decisions without the interference of tyrants in government or the medical community.
Please help the Guidrys get their children back by making a donation today. We have already secured legal counsel for the family and are lining up medical experts to testify in their defense, but as you know litigation is very expensive. God bless you and please pray that these children return home soon.
Please note that We The Patriots USA is not a health care provider and nothing herein should be construed as medical advice. Always consult a licensed health care provider for medical advice or treatment.