Jacksonville, FL (December 30, 2024) – Many of you who have been following our legal work for some time are familiar with our case on behalf of Teryn Gregson, the PGA Tour reporter who was fired while pregnant for refusing the Tour’s masking and testing mandates. Teryn stood up to The Tour, holding fast to her religious beliefs. Then we stood up for Teryn by funding a federal lawsuit on her behalf.
Today we received some good news in that litigation. A federal judge in Florida has dismissed The Tour’s motion to dismiss Teryn’s retaliation claim, ordering The Tour to file an answer to Teryn’s complaint no later than January 17, 2025. You can read the judge’s full order here.
We will never stop fighting to hold those in power accountable for their atrocities against religious freedom and our other inalienable, God-given rights. But none of this is possible without your support! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our year-end campaign by tomorrow, December 31, 2024.