Nearly 18 months ago, within days of Governor Lamont signing the bill into law that repealed Connecticut’s religious exemption, we filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Connecticut to reclaim the religious exemption to childhood vaccinations required for school attendance. We wasted no time in filing because we knew that litigation is slow business, and that we would have a battle on our hands. Now our case has reached the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and oral argument is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. ET, in Courtroom 1703 of the Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse, located at 40 Foley Square in New York, New York. You may attend in person or listen live using the link below. Win or lose, we know this case will be appealed, and the next stop is The Supreme Court of the United States!

This case has HUGE implications for religious freedom not only in Connecticut, but in all 50 states. If we emerge victorious, religious exemptions for schoolchildren could be restored everywhere they have been lost, including California, New York, and Maine, and be available where they never existed, like West Virginia and Mississippi. We are fighting for all children and parents in this nation who so desperately want nothing more than access to education without being forced to betray their faith. And remember, this isn’t just about public schools, which in most cases are little more than toxic indoctrination camps. This law bans religious exemptions at private schools as well!

Please support our work so that we can continue to bring lawsuits like this one, and bring them all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We thank you in advance for your generosity.