HONOLULU, HI (FEBRUARY 8, 2025) – A Hawaii bill seeking to eliminate the religious exemption to school vaccinations passed out of the House Health Committee yesterday by a vote of 7-2. You can watch the vote, and the brief discussion among lawmakers before it, here. As reported by GreenMedInfo.com, “Gary Cordery, former gubernatorial candidate and founder of the Aloha Freedom Coalition … said the Democratic Senate and House will likely rubber-stamp the bill into law unless there is significant public pushback.”

We are poised to immediately file a federal lawsuit challenging this bill if it is indeed passed. As currently drafted, the bill would allow any child who had an approved religious exemption for the 2024-25 school year to continue using the exemption. If you are a Hawaii parent who plans to enroll your child in school next year with a religious exemption, please email us at [email protected] if you would like to join the proposed lawsuit. If you are not a Hawaii parent but know people in Hawaii who may be able to assist us in securing plaintiffs, please forward this email along to to them.

And as always, as litigation is very expensive, tax-deductible gifts to our organization are much appreciated as well.